Monday 30 March 2015

Awaken Her! Saga continues...

‘’Thus awakens the slumbering lioness, thy greatness leaves me spellbound. Mountains to scale, seas to cross, skies to fly and waters to surf. Here I am again; being the lioness I always wanted to be’’.
Being a woman is an honor. Being born as a girl is the best thing in itself that could happen to her. She may not get to wear those ripped jeans, that pricking spiked up hairstyle, those sticky gels, may not get to hangout until 4 in the morning, etc etc… But, she is the most honored one in all the ways. You know why? Because she knows to live her life even if her wings are clipped off. She knows to find her way out of the darkness even without a kindling fire on the torch. And you know what, dear patriarchal society? Thank you for giving us this privilege.
I write this for all the women out there being one among you all billions. I wouldn't say we are oppressed or suppressed; we are merely ignited, because we are the flame that doesn't explode but yet do not extinguish the determination burning within ourselves. Firstly, thank Allah for who you are. Proceed.
Sticks and stones may not hurt but words do, said a little voice long ago when the world chanted that sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me.  Being a woman, neither the sticks and stones nor the words should hurt you because that’s how strong you are meant to be. People passing by laugh at us and think of our ideas as a joke. They may think the illuminated lamp we have enlightened in our mind once upon a time will flicker and fade sooner or later because the reason is simple, we are women, someone who is born to listen when the world transmits ideas, someone who is allowed to dream in her sleep but yet when she wakes finds nobody by her side to convert those negatives into an actual picture. Despite all this, she steps forward and reaches the firmament to live her dream and that’s when the world has to gaze at her with admiration and say, ‘indeed you have lived for your name’.
I do not say that we as women are naturally allowed to do all that the men do. I honestly do not go with the idea because if Allah has created us to be in a certain way; then it is obviously for good as who knows us better than the Creator?
 Real women realize their boundaries, they know their rights and they know what to do. But in the middle comes this whole set of opinions which pulls her down the scale of excitement from 10 to 0, because at times, all she could think of are the ways the things went wrong rather than how righteous she has been under every other obstacle she has undergone. I agree that it’s the human nature to be inclined towards negativity, but dear women out there, nothing should bother you if you think what you are doing is right and is within the limits of what God has ordained each one of you. He hasn't placed any burden on us but simply asked us to be the filament that holds this humanity together because we are compassionate, gentle, loving and exceedingly caring. Men can do that as well, but they haven’t been blessed with the motherly qualities which only we can possess and the love which we can shower upon the deserving ones will change the world.
 Our words may be typed behind a veil, but it holds a value like no other. Our deeds may be hidden under thick garments and screens and the world around you may think that you are growing terribly insane with your work, but Allah knows your intention. You know what is the best thing about being a woman? It is that little emotional element within our hearts that would bind the world together. Every work a woman does, it has a little piece of her heart poured into it. She may be a teacher and there she shows the love of a mother. She may be a doctor or counselor, there she also becomes a sister to you, she may be an entrepreneur; there she would be the Ms. Wise like a grandmother filled with wisdom and loyalty. That is who we are women!
People may consider our tendency to be emotional as the weakest quality of ours, but what is better than befriending the biggest enemy when it comes to a battle? Here, the battle is between your dreams and the conventionalized opinions of the world. The weakness and enemy according to people is your emotional self, but now I think they have to think twice before uttering anything because you have just befriended the biggest enemy! When you do good deeds for the sake of Allah and have that inner peace, world begins to revolve in your favour. Petty issues do bother us and yes, we do have boxes in our brains that gets mixed up with one another, but in the end of the day only a woman can respond rightly to the millions of gathered up questions a man has in his mind despite the flood of thoughts overwhelming within her tender heart. 
Each one has a story of her own and I am not here to degrade or disrespect men for they are great and without them, world would turn berserk. I respect and honour them beyond the limits. Being a feminist means different things to different people and I am not a feminist, (if you abide by the definition of any standardized dictionary) but I am just the one who tries to be humane. Being humane means to consider the entire race of humanity and I wish everyone I met and will meet in life was and will be humane as that is the quality which defines you and your humanly physique. 
Now you may throw your words on me and yes it hurts inside but only a little as for now I have shielded myself with the words of the Lord who gave me the privilege to be the blessed one. Alhamdulilah for everything.  
‘’You may clip my wings and ask me to stay, but my Healer would come to aid me, you may shut me in the darkness and ask me to never emerge again, but my Light would come to show me the way. You may hide the stars away from me, but He is there above to open up the roofs of the world to let me admire them in awe, for if He wills, anything can happen. Just like those stars that twinkle high above, like those clouds fluffed up with joy, like the wide opened arms of the sky, like the waves that wash away the sorrows imprinted on the sands where men of past and now walk upon; we wish to be…we hope our dreams are noble, gentle and rationalized, aren't they my dear mate? ’’.  – a woman.

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